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Session 22 – Full-stack Web Development Course (Cohort 2)

Start of the class

GitHub Session 1 – Instructor Charles

Today, our students began with their GitHub lesson with Instructor Charles. This was the first (1st) session of learning GitHub and marked the beginning of the GitHub lessons.

What was covered in today’s session?

Some of the topics and things looked at in the GitHub Session with the Instructor included but were not limited to:

Topics looked at – GitHub Session

And many more other points were looked at in the session.

Touch typing Session – Instructor Ronald

After the Cron session with Instructor Charles, the students had a break of 10 minutes from 10:50 AM to 11:00 PM and then come back to the zoom class and the Touch typing session began with Instructor Ronald.

Here is the progress of the students in their touch typing:



Overall this session was a success. We shall start from there tomorrow and ensure to start from where we left off.

Thank you for reading.

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